Nephrology Associates
These forms are from your kidney specialist at Nephrology Associates. We are the Nephrology group managing your care at the Davita dialysis unit.

These forms require your signature so we can bill your continued care to your insurance company.

Patient Registration: Gives us your demographic and insurance information and allows you to give permission to people you chose, other than yourself, that you would like us to speak with about your account, appointments and/or billing.

Financial Policies Insurance/Medical Records Auth: Gives us authorization to bill care to your health insurance and acknowledge that you have received a copy of our Privacy Practices for your records.

Thank you so much,

Billing Specialists Department Ph: 816-474-0458


Nephrology Associates

Patient Registration

Patient Name  
Marital Status  
Are you disabled?  
Leave Message?    
Leave Message?  
Primary Care Physician  
Referring Physician  
Upload Photo ID  
To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key while selecting.
Emergency Contacts / Release of Medical, Billing and Appointment Information
I authorize Nephrology Associates M.D., PA to discuss my medical, billing and appointment information with the following individuals:
Spouse Name  

Contact Name  

Add another?


Nephrology Associates

Financial Policies
Insurance / Medical
Records Authorization

By signing and/or receiving medical services from Nephrology Associates, you agree to the following:

I request payment of authorized Medicare, Medigap, or other insurance benefits to Nephrology Associates, M.D., P.A. for any services provided to me by those physicians and or nurse practitioners; I understand that I will be responsible for any coinsurance, deductible amounts, and any non-covered services.

I hereby authorize Nephrology Associates, M.D., P.A. to release medical or other necessary information required by my private insurance carrier, Medicare, Medigap and its agents to determine benefits for services provided.

This authorization will also permit Nephrology Associates, M.D., P.A. to provide requested information or excerpts from the patients record to any physician, hospital, laboratory, radiological facility, or other health care provider from which the patient has been referred or being referred to support continuity of care.

I understand that I am required to give a 24-hour notice if I wish to cancel my appointment so that my time can be given to another patient. Nephrology Associates, M.D., P.A. reserves the right to charge a $50.00 “no show” fee if I fail to provide this notice.

Additionally, I understand that I have a contract with my insurance company that governs co-payments for office visits. Co-payments must be paid prior to being seen by the physician/nurse practitioner. If co-payment is not received, I may be required to re-schedule my appointment.

This authorization shall remain in effect until revoked by me in writing. A photocopy of this authorization is considered as valid as the original. I certify that I have read and understand the “Financial Policies” and agree to all terms and conditions stated above.
Patient SignatureDraw your signature below using a tablet, mouse or smartphone. By clicking the Submit button at the end of this form I understand and agree that this is a legal representation of my signature, and that I understand and agree to the above statements.
Patient Name  


Nephrology Associates

Insurance Information

Do you have healthcare insurance?  
Do you have Medicare?   
Is this medical condition due to an accident of any kind?   
Is the patient covered by an employer’s health insurance plan through their own employment or that of a family member that is not retiree coverage?   


Nephrology Associates

Notice of Privacy Practices

Click here to view and print our Notice of Privacy Practices

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices
I acknowledge that I have received Nephrology Associates, M.D., P.A. Notice of Privacy Practices, and a personal copy was made available for me.
Patient SignatureDraw your signature below using a tablet, mouse or smartphone. By clicking the Submit button at the end of this form I understand and agree that this is a legal representation of my signature, and that I understand and agree to the above statements.
Patient Name  
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